Super Duper Multitasking
The third and final version of my "Multitasking" concept, Super Duper Multitasking is the culmination of 10 years of effort, and represents the ultimate evolution of the most original thing I've ever made. It's truly my finest work: intense action, tons of options, extremely polished and refined. But I'm not done. There's more coming soon...
Streaming streaming
I've been streaming on Twitch here and there, mostly my home DanceDanceRevolution play but some other stuff as well. I then export all of it to YouTube for later viewing. I hope you'll enjoy watching some of my gameplay =)
Pixel Poops
My 4th Steam release is...a bit weird. A throwback to Atari 2600-era games, Pixel Poops has you attempting to stop joggers from crossing the pooping a lot. It's quite action-packed, and the base game is absolutely free, so I hope you'll check it out. You can also try the Commodore 64 version I constructed using the same GameMaker tools I used when I was 10 years old!
Barneystein 3D was on TV!
On March 26, 2018, on the third series, seventh episode of UK network show "Dara O Briain's Go 8 Bit," one of the games played was Wolfenstein 3D. And, in the segment where the game was introduced, one of the mods shown was none other than my own Barneystein 3D, from over 20 years ago!
Sharpshooter Plus
My 3rd Steam release is an updated version of Sharpshooter, one of my more popular XBLIG releases from back in 2010. Its intense action hasn't dulled one bit over the last 10 years. And now, you can play it with a mouse or touchscreen, as well as a controller. I hope you'll check it out.
Hi! I put together some code to help anyone getting started with development for Steam with MonoGame. This should help you add Leaderboards, Achievements, and Stats to your Steam game. It runs on top of Steamworks.NET. Full instructions and tips are included! Check it out here.
I got hacked =(
If you're seeing this, it's possible that you just tried to go to Well, this is a temporary page I put here to explain what happened.
First off: if you were expecting a LinkedIn login've been scammed! In the future, before clicking on an e-mail link, you should check the link address first, to make sure it goes where it says it'll go. is absolutely not, after all! So please, be careful!
Super Multitasking
I've released my first game on Steam, and it's a vastly improved version of my most original concept ever. I hope you enjoy it. =)
Falling Plus
So I just put out my first yyrGames title on PC and Mac. Actually, it's the first time I've ever released anything on Mac. As a longtime Mac user, that is kind of exciting.
It's basically an "HD remaster" of my 2010 arcade/puzzle game, Falling. I hope you'll like it. =)
Snake Party
This news is a little late, but my final Xbox Live Indie Game has been released.
If you ever enjoyed Snake360's Battle Mode, you'll want to grab this. It'll only be available for sale until September 2017, and it's only on Xbox 360. Over the next few years, I plan to release a version that will run on more modern platforms.